200 Bad Comics

Know how I’ve done the 100 Horror Movies thing? Well this guy has done something even awesomer by creating 200 bad comics. I think I’m addicted enough to go read every single one.




4 responses to “200 Bad Comics”

  1. sarah Avatar

    Haha. I laughed when looking at “TOO MANY TACOS” whilst in a conference call. Reminds me of spamusement.com which is also hilarious. check that one out!


  2.  Avatar

    Haha. I laughed when looking at “TOO MANY TACOS” whilst in a conference call. Reminds me of spamusement.com which is also hilarious. check that one out!


  3. madamerouge Avatar

    I have many comics drawn by Jason that should be quite valuable someday. One is currently on my fridge.The “Ace of Spades” one made me think of the Motorhead song. LOLz.


  4.  Avatar

    I have many comics drawn by Jason that should be quite valuable someday. One is currently on my fridge.The “Ace of Spades” one made me think of the Motorhead song. LOLz.


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