To Do 2

Technology plays a large role in my life. Here is an excerpt from my to-do list:

  • Back up all my research data.
  • Properly tag all my tracks in iTunes.
  • Decide between buying: A) A new Macbook; B) A new desktop PC; C) A car ; D) Hookers and blow
  • Incorporate internet lingo into everyday life. Say “oh em eff gee” when surprised. Carry a sign with “LFG” written on it when lonely. Say “I anal” when dispensing legal advice.
  • In conversation, whenever I mention a name, precede it with “at”. E.g.
    — I was talking to at Terry today and she is not impressed with at Deirdre.
    – Why are you saying “at” so much?
    — It only links to their profile if you put the at symbol. Now let’s go to at Starbucks.
  • Go back in time 10 years, say “I googled for Wii blogs” to everyone I meet, then watch them get confused.




8 responses to “To Do 2”

  1. dmarks Avatar

    I bet the term “wifi” will be gone within 5 years.


  2.  Avatar

    I bet the term “wifi” will be gone within 5 years.


  3. sunmyst Avatar

    always go with Macbook.. and awesome to see you took care of hookers and blow first! lol


  4.  Avatar

    always go with Macbook.. and awesome to see you took care of hookers and blow first! lol


  5. Phronk Avatar

    Dmarks: I hope that’s because wifi will be everywhere, so that we just call it “the internet connection.”Sunmyst: Yeah, gotta take care of the basics first.


  6.  Avatar

    Dmarks: I hope that’s because wifi will be everywhere, so that we just call it “the internet connection.”Sunmyst: Yeah, gotta take care of the basics first.


  7. Von Avatar

    Sad to see that option D) Hookers and blow was scratched off the list.


  8.  Avatar

    Sad to see that option D) Hookers and blow was scratched off the list.


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