Tag: photographs

  • 2019 In Review

    Another year, another complete failure to blog. That’s not entirely true. I occasionally write over on Medium, and have good intentions to copy the posts over here to my main blog sometime, but then forget. My micro-press Forest City Pulp also gets occasional updates. Oh and I’ve started writing at the group blog Across the…

  • A Deep Exploration of the Terrifying Stained Glass Windows at a Run-Down Children’s Museum

    The London Regional Children’s Museum has seen better days, but I have fond memories of going there as a kid. A highlight is when a traveling Jim Henson exhibit was set up there, and I got to see the actual muppets from my favourite movie at the time (okay, still), Labyrinth. There’s a story about…

  • Halloween and the Meaning of Life

    I love when autumn begins, then soon it’s Halloween. The trees are half-green, half-yellow, and half-orange, soon throwing off the shrivelled leaves that give the crisp air that musty fall smell and the sidewalk that delightful crunchiness. The temperature is just right; like a cool summer night, but all day long. Then comes Halloween—a bittersweet…

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